Why summer is the perfect time to review sales budgets, strategies and media kits.

By Chris Schriever

The end of June is an exciting time around my house – the twins’ last day of school marks our annual escape to the shore, where the salty air offers a fresh perspective for each of us. It’s perfect for reflecting and taking stock of the year, revisiting professional goals as well as the personal challenges and aspirations set at the beginning of the year.

With six months of the year now complete, sales, attendance and digital platform performance reports are reflective of the strategies employed. That makes it a perfect time for reviewing sales budgets and programs. How are things going?  Are sales on track? 

This is also the perfect time to revisit media kits—ours and our competitors—to examine the offerings and prices and note performance variances from previous periods. The timing of this review is helpful as it helps our clients more accurately forecast sales revenue for the second half of the year. It also helps our team adjust sales forecasts for the rest of this year and begin to budget for next.

To ensure that your revenue keeps growing year over year, you have to always be open to adjusting the marketing strategies you’ve used in the past. By taking the time to review what’s selling and what’s not, we have the chance to optimize or refocus our approach. Within a few short weeks our sales team will turn their attention to 2020 budget requests and proposals—and by mid-September, we’ll be full-on selling for next year! Thanks to this annual mid-year budget review, we can be confident that we’re on the right track for continued success.

Want to learn more? Get in touch today.